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COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Steri-Clean has the only effective protocol and training to ELIMINATE the viruses from any environment. Covid-19 is a virus that affects the respiratory tract and is spread with person-to-person contact.

Symptoms: According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying. Symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 after exposure. Symptoms can include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.


Prevention & Treatment
The CDC believes the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus and recommends everyday preventative actions to help prevent it from spreading:

   • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

   • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

   • Avoid close contact with people who appear to be sick

   • Stay at home if you are sick

   • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, throw the tissue in the trash, then wash your hands thoroughly

   • Clean and apply disinfectant to commonly touched objects and surfaces (See next paragraph)


Steri-Clean Services for Microorganisms & COVID-19​

If there is an outbreak of any size in your area or you need additional information about mass decontamination, please contact Steri-Clean’s knowledgeable technicians to get additional information. We can provide the following services for homes, businesses, warehouses, public transportation, and more. 


   • 24 Hour response serving with dozens of offices throughout the country

   • Thorough cleaning to remove biofilms from all surfaces 

   • Trained technicians to use and apply the appropriate disinfectant for the COVID-19 virus,
both L and S strains

   • Application of disinfectants through one or more delivery methods including electrostatic, mist, fogging, and direct spray.

   • Surface testing to confirm the efficacy of our cleaning processes*

*Steri-Clean utilizes ATP monitoring to assure surfaces are clean before and after our disinfectants are applied. ATP monitors test for Adenosine Triphosphate which is stored energy found in every cells. While viruses do not contain cells, the removal of biofilms and cellular activity on all surfaces assures our disinfectants can properly kill the viruses.

For additional details, contact us today. 1-888-577-7206

Superbug Cleanup Services

The Basics of Superbugs: 


A superbug is a strain of bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics commonly used today. 


Viruses and bacteria can survive for up to two hours on surfaces like cafeteria tables, doorknobs, and desks. Frequent hand-washing will help reduce the chance of contamination from these common surfaces. Resistant bacteria that cause MRSA and C-Diff are just a few of the most common superbugs. A professional cleaning service, such as Steri-Clean can properly disinfect contaminated areas and restore the area to a safe environment. 


Superbug Cleanup: 

Viruses and bacteria can survive for up to two hours on surfaces like cafeteria tables, doorknobs, and desks. Frequent hand-washing will help reduce the chance of contamination from these common surfaces. Resistant bacteria that cause MRSA and C-Diff are just a few of the most common superbugs. A professional cleaning service, such as Steri-Clean can properly disinfect contaminated areas and restore the area to a safe environment.



Following proper protocol is imperative when performing decontamination services.


Waste from humans, pets, rodents and birds can carry deadly viruses and bacteria which require specific protocols for proper remediation. Steri-Clean technicians are carefully trained to ensure your home or business is quickly returned to a safe-to-occupy status.​

  • Histoplasmosis (bird and bat droppings)

  • Hantavirus (mouse droppings)

  • Toxoplasmosis & Ammonia (cat waste and urine)

  • E-coli (fecal matter)

  • Norovirus or Gastroenteritis (contaminated food)

Steri-Clean Illinois is part of a nationwide team of experts that have been professionals when it comes to decontamination for over 20 years. You can ensure, with such a strong and ever-growing team of experts around the country, that we will provide exemplary service to our clients within our territory.
Steri-Clean Illinois is a multiple award-winning franchisee of Steri-Clean,, and Crime Scene Steri-Clean. Winning Top Sales in 2018, and Top Single Sale in 2017.
We are growing! Our Territory has just expanded into the entirety of Illinois. We plan to continue this growth and are excited to be serving and restoring the homes and lives of those within Springfield and surrounding areas.
Clostridium Difficile (C. Diff) –

Clostridium Difficile, or C.Diff as it is commonly referred to, is a kind of bacteria that is found in the intestines of almost everyone, as one component of the normal bacteria population which lives inside your body.
As long as the bacteria population stays in balance, there are no problems associated with C.Diff. However, when something disturbs this balance, these bacteria can go completely out of control, and depart wildly from their normal functionality.
When that happens, it releases toxins that attack the stomach lining and cause a C.Diff infection. One of the things that most commonly cause this kind of imbalance to occur is when a person uses antibiotics, either a single antibiotic for a long period of time or a broad-based antibiotic that treats a number of symptoms.


People with C.Diff infections will often suffer from stomach pains, frequent (and severe) diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, fevers, and blood or pus in the stool. Every year, more than half a million people in this country become sick from Clostridium difficile, and the trend of recent years has seen this infection become much more frequent, a lot more severe, and much harder to treat.
All of these are signs that C.Diff has become a superbug, and that it requires treatment by trained specialists, such as us here at Steri-Clean Illinois, in order to prevent the spread of the infection. Treatment by specialists is also necessary to prevent the infection from getting any worse than it already has.

C. Diff can be fatal, cause sepsis, or extreme intestinal conditions that may require hospitalization. It is important that anyone known to have been affected by C. Diff keep their surroundings hygienic as well, to prevent spread and exposure to family and friends.
Our services for superbug eradication require top-of-the-line equipment that will get any and all bacteria and viruses, even in hard-to-reach places.
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) –

MRSA is a staph infection that has developed a powerful resistance to methicillin, which was formerly the most effective antibiotic treatment against it. Over the years, however, the MRSA staph infection has evolved into a superbug that is resistant to that antibiotic, as well as most others. In fact, there are really a number of different strains of this staph infection, and each one has developed its own unique way of infecting victims, as well as defending itself against treatment in the form of antibiotics.
MRSA first appears on a victim in the form of small bumps on the skin, which become swollen and red and usually become filled with pus. MRSA can easily spread from one person to another, and it is estimated that somewhere between 5 and 7 of the total U.S. population are actually carriers of this infection, although they may not exhibit symptoms themselves.

Some strains of this infection have the capability of spreading themselves to many other carriers, and they can actually trigger deadly infections in some people. Even those infections which are treatable with antibiotics have often been reported to recur in the same patient at some point after treatment.

Clearly, this superbug has developed into one which must be taken very seriously, and handled with great care in the eradication process, to prevent spread and infection. Here at Steri-Clean Illinois, we are well-equipped with the knowledge base to eradicate MRSA.


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